by Deepak Chopra
I am one of the few people who has not read Chopra yet. Frankly, having worked in a library I avoided a lot of the "mainstream" self help type books because of the type of people who were usually checking them out. You might know the type: Oprah followers who check out every book she mentions, but rarely show any evidence that these books impacted their lives.
And you know what? Who am I to judge? I never really knew these people. So, I realized that avoiding these books was an injustice to myself as much as it was an injustice to judge these people I do not know.
So, now I am working hard at finding peace and happiness. Part of that is not judging so much. Another part is learning and Chopra seems to be a great place to start.
This book is my first foray into Chopra and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It is not a long book, and most parents will probably relate when I say that was a blessing. I have no time to read thick volumes on parenting.
The "laws" are simple and relatively easy to follow. He includes things like, Everything is Possible, Go with the Flow, and Enjoy the Journey. And he also set out easy ways to show these laws to your children each day in a natural way. It is about demonstrating though your own behaviors what is expected rather than a Do as I say, Not as I Do environment, which is so easy to fall into. It will take some practice to implement them into daily life, but they won't take extra time from your day.
My only issue with this book, and it is based on my circumstances rather than the information, is that I share custody of my children with their father. The book is so easy to implement when you do one law per day, but when you don't have your kids every day that complicates things. In addition to that I worry about how to implement these things when they will not be reflected in my girl's other home. As I said, though, that is a personal issue.
I have decide to purchase this book, which is a big deal for me. I try to cut down the clutter and not own books unless I know I will open them up again and again. This is one I will refer to regularly because I feel the message is well worth it. And with some study I am sure I can implement them into our half week with the kids.
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